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Choo, S. S. (2022, July). Perspectives of Ethical Criticism from the East and West and Implications for the Teaching of Literature. Featured talk at the Education, Literature, and Ethics conference, University of Porto, Portugal.
Choo, S. S. (2021, July). Reading and Writing from the Viewpoint of Ethics. Keynote talk at 3rd Singapore Literature Conference, organized by Poetry Festival, Singapore
Choo, S. S. (2021, March). Mobilizing citizens to thrive in a global age: The opportunities and challenges of Bilingual Education in Singapore. Keynote talk at the International Mother Language Conference and Festival, University of the Philippines‐Diliman
Choo, S. S. (2020, November 28). Interrogating 21st century education discourses through the lens of Sen’s Capabilities Approach and Confucian cosmopolitanism. Invited talk at the NIE Imagining Educational Futures seminar on The Relevance of Asian Cosmopolitanism to Education, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Note: Go to 56:40-1:14:25 of the video clip)